Sunday, May 23, 2010

Invitation Wordings For 26th January

Bussi Bussi Party Shed 23 May 2010

It is Pentecost Sunday, it is in Pfingstdult Simbach, it is a fantastic summer - what If you want more!

It makes sense - after Pfingstdult do people still niciht home! They want to the beer tent party on and party until the wee hours! And this concept is in the engine shed Simbach with his "Bussi Bussi Party" to perfect!

I work as a DJ that evening in a somewhat unusual clothing - for examples, full dress uniform. A dashing plaid shirt and brogues Lederhos'n with what has already :-)

see and be seen the motto of "after-beer-tent party" and the jaunty Dirndl'n in Dirnd'l is allowed of course no lack :-) Two particularly dashing copies! See for yourself ..

The place was once again packed and the mood to 5 clock early on the boiling point of the party pleasure! DJ-heart, what more do you want ...

ToxicTwo your DJ from the club front


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