had only two wheels and was even then, almost exactly 30 years ago, an old timer. Unfortunately, only a very bad Polaroid photo, which I had already scanned several years ago - and then was the original disappeared. I had done on the day when I sold the scooter, as a reminder:

The ' Heinkel Tourist ' requires very little fuel, insurance and taxes are affordable and the solid, virtually indestructible Technology makes him even in old age a reliable everyday vehicle. Therefore, I had had a - a car with four wheels I could afford that is not at first.
The scooter was visually pretty run down when he came into my possession, but by and by he was out of focus to the above illustrated gem. Of course all this could not cost too much, I have the example of the neat two-tone painting two measures of overalls sewn for the painter.
the seat of my own making, the practical mounted baskets for hand luggage and of course the polished chrome :-)
some point I had a car with four wheels (sometimes more practical ...) and I was separated from the scooter with a heavy heart what I have repented of that hour. Not only because the thing looked so good, but because it was so fun to drive. Moreover, such an incredible sympathy Heinkel-potential: The sight of many people, conjures a smile on your face and some, especially the older men, then be happy to tell of 'time':
... for example, that scooter riders have always had a girlfriend ... Heinkel but drivers could choose a course .... !
And what makes these old stories relevant today?
I did yesterday, a quarter of a century later, picked up my 'new' Heinkel from the workshop, where he received a fresh TÜV sticker and then I gerollert in glorious summer weather across the country bergische
:-) There is another A2 1961 and these are its main advantages for me:
Heinkel scooters have a single-cylinder four-stroke engine, not sound like lawn mowers and more like a tractor ;-)
It is completely normal gasoline in the tank.
woman can, if necessary even stylish ride with a tight skirt. You must not
rumhüpfen unchic on a kick, but the machine 12 Volt electric start casually.
The gearbox is operated by hand. Requires a little fine motor skill, can the driver but every erdenklichn freedom in the choice of footwear.
With 173ccm displacement is the thing pretty well from the spot :-)
Such a Heinkel Tourist is large and heavy, but very balanced in their proportions and looks really good. follow
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