There were only two remaining media from around the finest mercerized cotton, which were inseparable, because they fit so well together. Many moons they waited bravely into my fabric shelf and dreamed together in the big wide world to drag out.
evil, greedy rag bag they were already in some clean-up escaped, but would be back next time the luck with them?
Finally, they were able to transform from so inconspicuous color and each of them much too small, small format in a portable piece of clothing, but together they did it.
And because they are not dead, I'm wearing them today :-)
The pattern is KwikSew , the bright fabric rest looked like the dark almost identical:
The two fabrics I have placed one and cut the size of the back with plenty Addition:
The whole thing, I then take heart and cut diagonally into strips:
order it then got together again, but this time take turns one of the light and dark pieces. First of all, with pins:
And then with the 'stitched' zigzag . It looks good, and stretches with you when the seam is stretched:
The visible edges are ausfranseln hopefully over time a little and give the shirt tailor a shaken Vintage-feeling :-)
from the two composite Pieces, I could now cut the front and back:
The sleeves I have against every rule of tailoring transversely cut the stitches run, because there is no other fit. And more seams I wanted to do science ...
The collar I have composed two pieces, but the seams are in the neck and barely visible. Was sewn the shirt ratzfatz according to the instructions. It is completely sewn on a simple household appliance, the seams and stitching on the neckline I made with the twin needle . Although I am a proud owner of a Overlock machine, but had no desire to thread the

The pattern is KwikSew , the bright fabric rest looked like the dark almost identical:

The two fabrics I have placed one and cut the size of the back with plenty Addition:

The whole thing, I then take heart and cut diagonally into strips:

order it then got together again, but this time take turns one of the light and dark pieces. First of all, with pins:

And then with the 'stitched' zigzag . It looks good, and stretches with you when the seam is stretched:

The visible edges are ausfranseln hopefully over time a little and give the shirt tailor a shaken Vintage-feeling :-)
from the two composite Pieces, I could now cut the front and back:

The sleeves I have against every rule of tailoring transversely cut the stitches run, because there is no other fit. And more seams I wanted to do science ...
The collar I have composed two pieces, but the seams are in the neck and barely visible. Was sewn the shirt ratzfatz according to the instructions. It is completely sewn on a simple household appliance, the seams and stitching on the neckline I made with the twin needle . Although I am a proud owner of a Overlock machine, but had no desire to thread the
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