Monday, January 3, 2011

Free Digitalplaygound Online Films

2 gifts for me:)

Happy New Year to all who read this! I hope you had a Merry Christmas so like me and slipped well into the new year:) is now in 2011, time passes too quickly. The Stupids something ...
one or the other certainly can grind his duties for a few days. Or has anyone of you actually done something about the holiday for Uni ???????! I for one do not: D Also
the blog is a bit forgotten, but I wanted to enjoy every precious moment in the Nordic home with my loved ones is
And now before the worst time of year. the learning time before the tests. Olé ...

But first a bit of encouragement: my competition runs until tomorrow! So who would win a CSN Stores voucher worth 30 € should look again in quickly here!

order to make you a little bit envious (if you do not already have the nose full of Christmas cookies, some of which never can get enough: D), here's a picture of what I let me just taste.

One of my favorite Christmas presents under the tree was this beautiful part here:

This is a handmade birthday calendar / Personal Reminder of . There were also versions with cassettes of Bibi and the 3 question marks;)
I had chosen it to me at a Christmas market, offered on the self-made individual and small items and works of art were.

I'm gifted but also yourself:)
On the same stand I have that is also chosen this wonderful piece:

This loop is Bianca Bannach , a designer from Leipzig. She designs gorgeous garments, bags and accessories for women, but more recently has focused on illustrations. I'm looking forward total, to wear again.


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