Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Invitation Message For Grah Parvesh


order to distract me a little bit of learning, I have just three outfits in H & M Fashion Studio with parts of the spring collection together.
In the men could live out his creativity is not, unfortunately, so real. I would have gladly taken as the suspenders, but the shirt was not easy in the pants!! (Or, I know the trick just does not?) It looked stupid then look pretty ... (See below)
The Rock, which has pretty hair style with the Gretchen, it's like that perfectly. I will try it once, maybe he's worth a purchase. The chain has already accepted me in the catalog, but whether I will wear often, is another question.

way, I have a few weeks ago also once tried to make me a Gretchen hairstyle, but only saw the good from the front:) If I practice again ...

I would like to attract so already! What is my wallet? Probably not soon ...

pity. Looks a bit ridiculous: D

I've tried to make the most of it ;)


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