Saturday, August 28, 2010

Block Foundation For Mobile Home

Schloss Neuburg am Inn on 28 August 2010

This time I was due wedding of Andrea and Joerg in the romantic, over 950 years old historical Schloss Neuburg am Inn accompany my music.

Two hours before the wedding party from the chapel, followed by coffee and cake in the vaulted hall then in the listed Ritter Hall arrived, I was already on site and built my Technology on and doing the sound check.

And then it happened! The wedding party, it could not accept, for the newly wed get a lot of red heart balloons ... Let

... and then made it to the round, beautifully set tables in the room cozy.

Peaceful soul classics from zumAbendessen alternated with lounge music and soft hits of the last three decades, before it came to the dessert to the spontaneous singing performance with accordion accompaniment.

course, could not subsequently be missing from the couple chosen opener for the bridal waltz and you could not look as fast as the dance floor was full! From the youngest to the oldest guest was found here all dancing, rocking, singing again ...

... and only at a late hour, the great festival with the final song was finished the two atmospheric. Finally Brautleuteein also need some time for yourself ;-)

Thank you for your confidence in me as your wedding DJ!

Your Wedding DJ ToxicTwo


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