Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hyderabad Latest Trend Sarees

Thomas D. - We separated the life

And how often have you spent the night with a hero

And are the next morning
Besides the devil wakes
I stood at the edge of your bed and was pretty scruffy

but had long since my seed in your brain
My consciousness most remained suspended
And with every breath
War I out of life is not enough
control my flight
Remained a moment
-Wonderful moment
sends the beauty of your world
Through my eyes
And yet me my path moves on
And up from
me away-you bury what was under your dead hair
I ask myself every day you will ever forgive me
You are with me had us off-

This one goes out to everyone who gave me their love
It was nice to have a piece of it
This goes out to all the people I loved
It's nice that you is - yes
This goes to everyone who was close to me and hurt me was

By what now separates us
joined us life and yet
-I still love you
I was the future for you, but
this is now past
And I guess a "I'm sorry"'s not doing
You were so full of expectation, I was so empty
you fit in too much of me we were too heavy
I left a few feathers helped it
not sure I wrote "Love you And I love you"
I will follow my karma
I can see into the future
let it destroy you
Let us swear to love. . .
Send the demons in hell where they belong
In the belief that nothing would - without the love

What would we learn
If we all knew before
Maybe I broke your heart when we kissed
But perhaps it is you that our love
The kick missed
If you regret that you ever met me
And perhaps it is a law
it's in your Life is
That one for each day in heaven
a get in hell
However, everything in life once
And if it were not so-
I saw you again love
And twice as much


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